Welcome to Pushing the Limits

The Most Listened to Talk Show in Las Vegas

Covering the top news stories of the day in politics, sports, and entertainment with some of the most interesting people in the industry.

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About Us

Live Monday through Friday
12pm-2pm PST on
1400 AM and 107.1 FM KSHP

We stream live on the Occupy Democrats network with a following of over 10 million subscribers.

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Catch up on the most exciting moments and insightful discussions from recent episodes. Relive the buzzworthy interviews, controversial debates, and unforgettable sports moments anytime, anywhere.

Robert F Kennedy Jr. and Nevada Attorrney General Aaron Ford Join PTL

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Dr. Peter A. McCullough challenged on covid and vaccine views by radio host in heated interview

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Brian Shapiro

Pushing the Limits Host

Pushing the Limits

Meet Brian Shapiro

Brian has been on air in Las Vegas for over 20 years. He is the only talk show host in the country that incorporates news, politics, sports, and entertainment all into one show.

Brian interviews the biggest celebrities, politicians, and sports figures on the planet. Some of his recent guests include first lady Jill Biden, actor and comedian Tom Arnold, and Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy.

Brian averages over 100,000 listeners to his show every week. If you want opinionated, informative, and entertaining, then look no further than Pushing The Limits!


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What People Say

Some words from our advertisers and sponsors about working with Pushing the Limits Radio Show and Podcast.

"As an advertiser on Pushing the Limits, I felt my money was well spent. We were able to track new customers sent to us from his show. It's nice to see our advertising dollar working and not just sent into the air waves with no accountability. Since Brian Shapiro is timely with his topics and takes calls, he gets listeners to tune in daily and our commercials repetition helps us gain new customers. I recommend Pushing the Limits as a viable advertising outlet."

Brian Slipock Jackson's Bar & Grill

"Working and sponsoring with Brain and Pushing the Limits has not only expanded my brand, but has helped to build my business and connections in Vegas. Pushing the Limits has truly helped open doors with the shows expansive listener base."

Blake Guinn Keller Williams Realty

"Working with Brian and PTL has helped grow the business in both of my restaurants in Las Vegas. Stallone's is very grateful to be partnered with Brian. I would highly recommend advertising with this amazing radio show."

Brett Raymer Stallone's Italian Eatery